The Art of Composition
Greetings, 8by10 photographers and accidental composition rebels! Today, we embark on a journey about rules for your photographic enlightenment. But fear not! This isn't just another boring guide to frame your horizons straight (because, let's face it, who does that any more?). It's a deep dive into the murky, sometimes hilarious waters of "finding your authentic voice" – assuming your voice doesn't get lost among the rules using them more as guides.
1. Simplification: Less Is... Less Confusing
Ah, simplification. Or, as I like to call it, "How to Take Pictures When You're Overwhelmed by Life and Landscapes." According to many photographers, the first step is to relax. Yes, because nothing says relaxation like hiking up a cliff with 20 pounds of gear while muttering, "Just breathe and find the solution." Simplification is about finding focal points, negative space, and the occasional existential crisis when you realize your perfect shot looks suspiciously like stock art.
Take this example. Two plants, a lake, and a serene reflection. Simple, yes. Until you remember, you spent an hour finding that exact angle, stepped in a puddle, and probably scared off three ducks in the process. Ah, the serenity of nature.
2. Geometry: It's Not Just for Math Nerds
Geometry is apparently everywhere. Who knew? It's like seeing the world as a giant jigsaw puzzle, but don't worry, you don't have to be good at math. Just squint at everything until the pieces fit together organically, like sheep huddling for warmth in gale-force winds.
Let's talk sheep: I somehow managed to capture their "intimacy" while battling strong winds on the edge of a cliff. You, however, are probably capturing blurry shots of their woolly butts because geometry decided to betray you. Keep trying. Remember, geometry "feels organic," which is ironic considering it involves lines, angles, and a complete disregard for your frustration.
3. Rhythm: The Visual Mantra You Didn't Ask For
Rhythm, we're told, combines simplification and geometry into something some call a "visual mantra." It probably is if that sounds like a yoga class for your camera. Find flow in nature, seek patterns, and remember: it's not about overthinking. Unless, of course, you're reading this blog post. Then you're *definitely* overthinking.
Case in point: the eerie cityscape Flats. I like to find "rhythm in chaos," but let's be honest. Most of us are just trying not to trip over roots while squinting at gnarled trees that look more like haunted broccoli.
4. Light and Tone: The Drama Queens of Photography
Light and tone are where things get real. Forget subtlety. I suggest a 10-second exposure in strong wind to capture those dramatic clouds. Sure, your tripod might fly into the sea, but art isn't supposed to be easy. The key here is balance: light leads the eye, tone guides the mood, and you desperately cling to your gear while shouting, "This better be worth it!"
Conclusion: Embrace the Chaos
I wrap it all up with a sage piece of advice: don't overthink it. (This, after giving us a thousand words of things to think about.) Settle into your environment. Become one with the landscape. And remember, there are no rules in photography—just carefully curated guidelines that you're free to ignore while pretending you know what you're doing.
Stay tuned for the next idea on emotion, where I'll probably cry over missed shots and learn to "feel the energy" of places that still hate our composition skills. Until then, happy shooting, and may your geometry always align!