Hilariously Week on São Miguel

Day 1: Lost in Translation

My journey started with a humble attempt to speak Portuguese, which, to my surprise, turned every local interaction into an impromptu game of charades. At a local café, I confidently ordered what I thought was a coffee and pastry. Moments later, I was presented with a confused smile and a steaming plate of octopus. Lesson learned: Google Translate is now my best friend.

Day 2: Nature's Shower

Eager to explore the famed hot springs, I didn’t expect nature’s version of a shower. As I soaked in the thermal waters, a sudden downpour turned the experience into a steamy spectacle of mist and rain. Turns out, you haven’t truly visited São Miguel until you’ve been both thermally and naturally soaked at the same time.

Day 3: The Cow Blockade

Driving around the island, I encountered what I now call the "Azorean Traffic Jam." It involves herds of cows that find the grass on the other side of the road much greener. A local farmer noticed my impatience and shouted, “Relax, the cows know the way better than we do!” Twenty minutes later, the bovine parade gracefully ended, and I learned patience is indeed a virtue here.

Day 4: The Hiking Misadventure

A hiking trip to Sete Cidades promised views of dual-colored lakes and lush landscapes. Halfway up the trail, fog descended like a scene from a mystery novel. When it lifted, I found myself unofficially part of a German tourist group. The guide was kind enough to let me tag along, despite my utter confusion about the language. Their laughter was contagious, even if the jokes were lost on me.

Day 5: Dive Into the Unknown

Diving in the clear waters around the island, I was mesmerized by the underwater scenery until I nearly swam into what I thought was a peculiar local fish. Turns out, it was just another diver’s brightly colored fin. My dive buddy later joked, “Here, even the fish try to outdress you!”

Day 6: The Pineapple Misunderstanding

Visiting a pineapple plantation, I was fascinated by the growing process. However, trying to express my admiration, I somehow ended up inadvertently agreeing to purchase an absurd number of pineapples. My fridge is now a testament to my lack of Portuguese skills, but hey, I’ve got enough pineapples to last a lifetime!

Day 7: Goodbye, or Not?

As my trip came to an end, I realized that leaving São Miguel wasn’t going to be easy. Not emotionally, which was also true, but literally. A local strike meant no flights were leaving the island. Stranded? Sure, but there are worse places to be stuck in, and I had already started feeling like a local, albeit a very confused one.

Through every misstep and spontaneous adventure, São Miguel taught me to embrace the unexpected with humor and curiosity. This island is not just a place you visit; it’s a place that dances with you, laughs at you and with you, and always invites you back for more. So, here’s to the next trip, São Miguel, and yes, I might actually learn some decent Portuguese by then!