Essence of Quiapo

Capturing the Essence of Quiapo: A Photowalk with the Instakon RF 70 and Fujifilm Wide Instant Film


The Instakon RF 70 camera by MiNT offers the discerning photographer a unique avenue for capturing moments on Fujifilm Wide Instant Film. In this blog post, we explore the multifaceted markets of Quiapo in Manila using this fantastic camera, followed by high-quality scanning with an Epson scanner.

Equipment Overview

Instakon RF 70 Camera

The Instakon RF 70 is a fully manual instant camera designed for professional use. Its customizable settings offer a level of control seldom seen in instant cameras.

Fujifilm Wide Instant Film

Complementing the Instakon RF 70, the Fujifilm Wide Instant Film provides a broader canvas than traditional instant films, allowing for a more prosperous composition.

Epson Scanner

Post-photowalk, we used an Epson scanner to digitize the images. These scanners offer excellent color reproduction and high resolution.

Quiapo Market: A Brief Description

The markets in Quiapo offer an endless array of subjects for photography. From bustling crowds to street vendors, the locale epitomizes Manila's culture and diversity.

Photowalk Experience

Camera Settings and Framing

The manual settings on the Instakon RF 70 allow for precise adjustments. Aperture settings from f/5.6 to f/22 ensure optimal exposure levels, while the lens's sharpness helps capture intricate details.

Film Exposure

The Fujifilm Wide Instant Film perfectly captured the vivid colors of Quiapo. The more comprehensive format allowed for encompassing scenes that represented the complexity and vibrancy of the market.


While on the photo walk, it was essential to be mindful of the public and vendors, seeking consent before capturing their images.

Scanning and Post-Processing

The Epson scanner converted the physical film into high-resolution digital files. Minimal post-processing was required, owing to the shots' initial quality and the Epson scanner's excellent color reproduction.


The Instakon RF 70 camera, paired with Fujifilm Wide Instant Film, offers an unparalleled experience for those seeking to document life authentically. The Quiapo Manila markets provided a rich tapestry of scenes and subjects, subsequently immortalized in film and digital format through the Epson scanner.

In utilizing this particular set-up, the essence of Quiapo was not merely captured but was encapsulated in a manner that did justice to its vibrant atmosphere.