Kiribane Photography

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Dear Diary

Dear Diary (a.k.a. my over-caffeinated, nostalgia-packed 2024 calendar),

Here we are, not even done with the year, and you're already brimming with scribbles, reminders, and what I can only describe as emotional doodles. Every square inch of your pages seems to document another 'unforgettable' event. January was a blur of ambitious resolutions for preparing to move back to Germany (remember when I thought I'd find a decent three-room apartment? LOL). February had me falling in love with Kendo (again), and March was a series of mad dashes to various appointments. I'm still trying to figure out why I was forced to make them.

April showers brought May flowers and a collection of travel arrangements I never knew I would take. Fast-forward to a summer of relocation, where my ability to forget that even houses have limited rooms was the most reliable thing. And let's not skip over those BBQs where I expertly burned everything but calories.

As we roll into the final months, your pages testify to my survival skills in the wild urban jungle. From coffee stains that outline my caffeine dependency to the sticky notes that have lost their stick but not their ability to annoy me mildly, you hold it all.

Here's to you, my trusty calendar, for keeping all my secrets, schedules, and not-so-subtle reminders of my less-than-glamorous moments. Let's continue to face the rest of 2024 with the same humor and a slightly better sense of timing. 📅🖊️😂