Kiribane Photography

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Old Tree Stump

DIY Project: How I Turned an Old Tree Stump Into the Coolest Table Ever (And Nearly Threw My Back Out in the Process)

Hey DIY enthusiasts, pull up a chair—or should I say, a stump? Because today, I’m going to tell you about the time I turned a hefty chunk of tree into a stylish piece of furniture that’s both a conversation starter and a workout routine.

First things first, imagine a tree stump. Not just any stump, but the kind that’s been sitting in your backyard judging you for your lackluster landscaping skills. I decided it was high time to give it a new lease on life as, drumroll please... a table!

Yes, armed with nothing but sheer determination and a glaring ignorance of the laws of physics, I set out to transform this arboreal remnant into a functional piece of art. The process began with slicing it down to table size, which went about as smoothly as you’d expect if you were using a butter knife. But with persistence (and a proper saw), I achieved the first step without losing any limbs—always a plus.

Now, for the fun part: epoxy. Clear epoxy, to be exact, because I wanted to show off my next brilliant idea. I rummaged through my old tool shed and found some ancient tools that looked like they belonged in a museum—or at the bottom of this table. Into the epoxy they went, creating a prehistoric mosquito-in-amber effect, but with rusty wrenches and what might have been part of a car-jack.

After pouring the epoxy and meticulously placing my tools like a modern-day Michelangelo, I left it to dry, which gave me ample time to question my life choices. Two days later, the masterpiece was ready, and it was time to move it upstairs.

Ah, the stairs. Narrow, steep, and seemingly designed by someone who hated furniture. Getting a 30 kg table up these stairs was like a real-world Tetris game, but with higher stakes and more swearing. After a Herculean effort and briefly considering just throwing the table out the window, I managed to lug it to its new home.

The finishing touch? A strategically placed mirror underneath and a color-changing light cable above, turning my tree stump table into a glowing beacon of DIY success (or a potential fire hazard; the jury’s still out).

Now, all that’s missing is my eggchair. I envision myself lounging like a Bond villain, cocktail in one hand, obscure coffee table book on the table, admiring as well my handcrafted creation.

So, there you have it, folks! My journey from backyard stump to stunning table, a tale of creativity, carpentry, and a little bit of crazy. Who knew furniture could be so much fun (and dangerous)? Grab your tools, and maybe a chiropractor’s number, and give it a go! Just remember, if you hear a strange creaking sound, it might be the stairs—or your knees. Cheers to DIY adventures!